Pastor Amos Oladipo

Pastor Amos

Reverend Amos Oladipo was appointed to Grace United Protestant Church in 2017 after serving many diverse congregations in Chicagoland. He received his Master of Divinity degree from Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodist University, Dallas and worked on his doctorate in Historical Theology before coming to Chicago in 1995. He received an Executive Certificate in Business Management from Loyola University, Chicago. Pastor Amos has served on many committees of the Annual Conference. He was a member of Bishop Hee Soo Jung’s delegation to Turkey in 2008 and a Special Clergy’s trip to Jerusalem in 2009. Pastor Amos is passionate with pastoral care, evangelism, children and youth development, church growth and global mission, as well as involvement in community and interfaith activities. He is a strong advocate of God’s love for all, irrespective of race, gender, ethnicity, political  affiliations, and economic status. Pastor Amos is married to his wife, Toyosi (Becky). They have three adult children and one granddaughter.

Who are these people....

  Our Team: The Administrative Team includes

1.    Pastor Amos Oladipo
2.    Chairperson:  Valerie Nicholson
3.    Secretary:  Leslie Langmeyer
4.    Financial Secretary:  Glennace Rocker
5.    Treasurer:  Bruce Neel
6.    Women’s Association:  Maureen Cribbs
7.    Missions:  Chris Long
8.    Membership and Outreach:  Alice Knox
9.    Lay Leader:  Duane Larson
10.Youth Outreach:  Jessica Kunkel

Grace United Protestant Church is a movement that advocates and works for the transformation
of humanity by following Jesus Christ’s teaching to live lovingly and justly as servants of Christ
by healing the sick, feeding the hungry, caring for the stranger, freeing the oppressed; being a
compassionate presence, and working to develop social structures that are consistent with the

WOW…. what an amazing church!

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